
Finite Dimensional Generalized Baker Dynamical Systems for Cryptographic Applications


F. Pichler and J. Scharinger


In the past there have been several attempts to apply the field of deterministic chaos to cryptography. In this paper we propose for cryptographic applications to use maps as state transition function of a discrete dynamical system which leads to deterministic chaos. More specifically, we make use of generalized versions of the well-known baker transform, which are discrete and finite. Since they relate by group-theoretic representation to Bernoulli-shifts, we call them Bernoulli permutations.

The iteration of Bernoulli permutations on a set of data realizes a repeated "stretching" and "compressing" which has been compared by the "rolling" and "folding" in the work of a baker by mixing a dough. The knowledge of the importance of such operations for cryptography goes back to the fundamental paper of Claude Shannon, a fact which has been pointed out earlier in a paper by N.J.A. Sloane.

Last updated: 05.03.07

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