
A Fast Encryption Algorithm Providing Security in Distributed Multimedia Applications


J. Scharinger


To guarantee security and privacy in speech, image and video transmission and archival applications, efficient bulk encryption techniques are necessary which are easily implementable in soft- and hardware and are able to cope with the vast amounts of data involved. Experience has shown that block-oriented symmetric product ciphers constitute an adequate design paradigm for resolving this task, since they can offer a very high level of security as well as very high encryption rates.

In this contribution we introduce a new class of computationally secure product ciphers with excellent encryption performance in hard- and software which encrypt blocks of plain-text by repeated intertwined application of substitution and permutation operations. Permutations are induced by the highly unstable nonlinear dynamics of chaotic Kolmogorov flows, while substitutions are implemented using add-with-carry or subtract-with-borrow generators.

Last updated: 05.03.07

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